What is a trailer bill of sale?
A trailer bill of sale is a written agreement transferring ownership of a trailer between buyer and seller. This signed document will be used to officially transfer the title when the sale is registered with their state’s DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles).
As is often the case when purchasing a trailer, another piece of personal property is being sold as well such as a boat, motorcycle, vehicle, etc. Each separate item will need its own bill of sale such as a boat bill of sale, motorcycle bill of sale or vehicle bill of sale.
Why do you need a bill of sale?
There are two main reasons a bill of sale is needed when selling a trailer.
- A bill of sale provides proof the property was sold.
- The state will require one before transferring title to a new owner.
How do you write a bill of sale for a trailer?
A bill of sale for a trailer includes key pieces of information about the buyer and seller along details on the trailer.
This information includes:
- Name and address of both the seller and the buyer
- Information about the trailer including the make, model, year and vehicle identification number (VIN) which is a 17 digit number often found somewhere along the frame.
- Date of the sale
- Purchase price of the trailer
- Signatures of the buyer and seller
- Warranties (typically only for new trailer sales)
- Notary (in some states)
It is important to note that some states require homemade trailers to have a VIN for it to be titled. Many buyers will require the ability to title before purchasing.
In order to complete the transaction, the seller needs to provide a title signed over to the buyer in addition to the trailer bill of sale form. The buyer will complete and take these two documents to the DMV to register the trailer in their name and get a new title issued to them. Times vary, but most states require a trailer to be registered within 30 days of purchase.

Free trailer bill of sale form | PDF and Word format
Below we have a free to download trailer bill of sale template form for you to use. Just know this is a generic form for your use and there is no guarantee to they are legal in your state.
Trailer Bill of Sale (Word)
Trailer Bill of Sale (PDF)