The Free Gift Certificates below will help raise employee morale and sales for your business!
The Gift Certificates (5) below are available for your business to download and print to give to your employees, coworkers…to show appreciation for their hard work and also can be used for marketing tools for your small business.
The Gift Certificate for Employees pictured to the right can be used to give to your employees for any kind of gift such as cash, gift card, free lunch in the company lunchroom, etc.
In some small business companies, the supervisors have developed a “Thank You” process. They first created a criteria that made their employees eligible for a card or gift. The cards were handwritten by the supervisor(s) and they listed the exact action, behavior, or contribution of the employee that the supervisor is rewarding.
The gift certificates could be items such as a silver dollar, fast-food gift certificate, a company T-shirt, a company logo pens and mugs, gift cards, candy goody bags or baskets, etc. Employees that received their Thank You Card from their supervisor, as we mentioned above, can show their card to their Human Resources office and then will get to draw a name of their gift from a box.
Staff members need to try to make this moment very special for the recipient. The “Thank You” recipient will be then visited periodically by company executives at their work stations to thank them personally for their contribution. This process can really work if done properly.
The Gift Certificate for Businesses pictured to the right can be a very useful marketing tool for your small business in many ways.
These five gift certificate templates below can be downloaded and modified for your small business and then printed for your employees, consumers, etc. These gift certificates can be printed on plain copy paper, but it is better to print on quality resume-type paper or even stock paper, which is a lot thicker.
The Gift Certificate Log is free below also to download and print to help you track your gift certificates for your small business. You might not realize it at the time, but you also need a way to record business issued gift certificates and certainly need to be able to track them when they are redeemed.
Click on the link(s) to download the gift certificates below:
Gift Certificates for Employees
Gift Certificate for Employee (PDF) Gift Certificate for Employee (DOC)Gift Certificate for Business #1
Gift Certificate for Business #2
Gift Certificate for Business #3
Christmas Business Gift Certificate
Gift Certificate Log