Sample Expense & Travel Guidelines Policy


Our sample Expense & Travel Guidelines Policy is free to download, customize & print for your small business.

The 5 pages of policies and procedures for business expenses and travel guidelines below can be one of the most important policies for your small business office.

There has to be detailed and broad guidelines for your employees to abide by in order for them to get reimbursed for business or company related expenses.

If your business has employees that receive travel and expense reimbursements then you probably have policies in place, but if you don’t we have a really detailed 5 page Expense and Travel Guidelines below that will definitely help you create one of your own and not miss any important details.

After creating your travel and expense guidelines, be sure to have each new hired employee read and sign that they agree to the procedures for travel and expense guidelines and insert the signed copy into their employee file.

Create your guidelines to evolve to meet changing requirements of auditors, the IRS and internally.

The intent of these guidelines is to establish a consistent basis for employees when they have to expend personal funds for company expenses.

The purpose of these small business expense and travel guidelines is:

  • To be fair and equitable. An individual working for your company should neither gain nor lose personally because he or she has incurred reasonable business expense. Individuals incurring similar expenses are to be reimbursed consistently throughout your company.
  • To be responsible and prudent in spending company funds. A reasonable approach is to spendthe money as if it were one’s own.
  • To ensure proper documentation is maintained by company to support both internal andexternal standards required.

Official business trips are defined as those, which are required for direct support of the company. When traveling on official company business, prior authorization must be obtained from the budget officer. When the traveler is the budget officer authorization should be obtained from the budget officer’s supervisor.

The following items are normally to be considered personal, unless there is a business purpose and therefore,are not usually reimbursable expenses:

  • Bar bills and other similar charges at the place of lodging
  • Movie rentals
  • Gift shop charges
  • Pet Boarding and/or Food/Supplies
  • Child Care Expenses
  • Laundry and valet expenses will not be reimbursed unless the trip exceeds seven days. (Exceptionsmust be documented and approved by the budget officer).
  • Hotel safe and room service charges must explained on the expense report from or reimbursement will not be bade. Examples of circumstances for room services are arriving late or traveling alone.

Click on the link to download the travel expense guidelines below:

Expense and Travel Guidelines Policy

Expense & Travel Guidelines Policy[
