Sample Employee Time Sheets

Free sample Employee Time Sheets (3) below available for your small business and/or HR Department.

Time sheets for employees are one of many ways to track employee’s time at work.

In today’s turbulent, often chaotic environment, commercial success depends on employees using their full talents. Yet in spite of all the available theories and practices managers often view motivation as something of a mystery. This is because individuals are motivated by different things and in different ways.

A positive motivation philosophy and practice should improve productivity, quality and service. Motivation helps people:

  • achieve goals;
  • gain a positive perspective;
  • create the power to change;
  • build self-esteem and capability;
  • manage their own development and help others with theirs.

Tips on How to Get Employees to Fill in Time Sheets

It is no surprise that most employees literally hate to fill their time sheets. It is also a fact that managers and supervisors struggle with collecting these time sheets that are not always accurate or completed.

Here are some times that might help with employees filling in their time sheets:

  • Keep it Simple – As a rule, time sheets should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. The time sheets that take 30 minutes or more just to track hours have been proven to frustrate the employees, and this causes your company to lose time that would be better spent on other activities.
  • Easy Submissions – Simplify or even automate if possible parts of the submission process and employees will usually submit their time sheets without complaints or delays.
  • Communicate – Communicate to your employees how to the data for their time sheets will be used, and how they can benefit by not delaying the process.
  • Time Tracking Flexibility – Do not demand that employee’s time sheets are premise to the minute. You do not want your employees watching the clock and getting creative with 15 minute excuses here and there.

Click on the link(s) to download the free sample employee time sheets below:

Time Sheet #1

Time Sheet #1Time Sheet #2

Time Sheet #2Employee Weekly Time Record

Employee Weekly Time Record[
