Sample Business Sales Flyers

The Business Sale Flyers are free templates to download and customize.

The Business Sale template to the right can be downloaded, customized for your Small Business Sale and printed to hand out to public to help advertise and get the word out about your products…

There are three different advertising templates below that you can choose from to start your sale for your business

Business Advertising Tips

The sale templates is one way to advertise your business sales without being very expensive and it also is targeted to your local audience in your area.

You can submit the sale templates to your local press or newspapers also to spread the word and increase your business sales. Post them on message boards, at libraries, community centers and grocery stores.

Word of mouth is normally one of the best ways to advertise for your small business, but they first have to know that your small business is here and exactly what you have to offer them so make your sales original and unique with the customers in mind to make a great impression the first time.

You can make your car an advertising vehicle by placing your company name on your license plate or license plate frame. You can place a bumper sticker, decal, or magnetic sign on your car also.

You can sign up for a free online phone directory such as and and you can also purchase business ads in the directories.

You can donate a prize to local radio stations for giveaways or contests. This is one of way of maybe getting some free air time and perhaps a mention on the station’s website also.

Place an ad on Craigslist as often as you can – this is also free advertising.

Click on the link(s) to download the free sample Business Sales Template(s) below:

Business Sale Template #1

Business Sale Template #1Business Sale Template #2

Business Sale Template #2Business Sale Template #3

Business Sale Template #3[
