Halloween Party Ideas, Games and Party Flyer for the Office


The Halloween Party Ideas ,flyers and games below for the office are free to download for your next Halloween Office Party.

Halloween usually centers around children and the annual trick-or-treat festivities. However, a growing number of Americans are also now celebrating Halloween at the office, which is a good thing for your business and the employees.

If your employees have a little fun in the office, this will help build morale and teamwork. You can actually also identify some hidden employee talents within your organization such as skills like creativity, team leadership, and cooperation.

Halloween Party Ideas

Here are some party ideas to pick and choose from that might work for your office at your organization:

  • Halloween Party – Pick the best time for your party (lunch break is a great time). The party can be as simple or extensive as time and your budget allows. The party could be a buffet lunch or just punch and cookies. Purchase the Halloween decorations and food. Set up in the company cafeteria or lunch room if you have one, and have a team of employees working on the decorations the morning of the party. You can let everyone know they do not have to wear a Halloween costume if they prefer not to.
  • Costume Contest -Set up a team of employees to work on the contest starting with setting up and publishing the contest rules, including categories. You could give away prizes to the best, original, scariest, etc. costumes. You can even get more creative and give a prize away to the employee who’s costume most resembles a corporate executive or best expresses the the company spirit.
  • Decorating Contest- Begin the morning of the Halloween party, allow employees to decorate (haunted house, graveyard, etc.) their group areas in a manner reflective of Halloween. This can be really fun because every group will be different in their own creations, and how well they do it says a lot about their team spirit. Have another team of employees give away a prize after the Halloween party to the best decorated area group.
  • Other Games & Contests – Set up a team of employees to develop the Halloween party games and contests. If appropriate, they might consider apple bobbing, pumpkin carving, pie eating contest, pie throwing contest, etc.

Click Here for More Halloween Games for the Offices in your small business or organization.

There is also a free Halloween Party Flyer to download and print to help spread the news of your office party.

Click on the link(s) to download the file(s) below:

Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween Party IdeasHalloween Party Flyer

Halloween Party FlyerHalloween Games

Halloween Office Party Games[
