Sample Overtime Policy Guidance

The Overtime Policy Guidance sample is available free to download, customize and print for your Human Resource Department, small business office.

Does your small business have a policy on employee overtime?

If no, then download the sample overtime policy below that will help guide you to create one of your own for your small business, Human Resource Department.

Complying with the federal wage and hour laws can be challenging, and the penalty for not following the rules can be very damaging to your organization. The areas that causes most employers the most problems is probably overtime pay.

The eight page sample policy below on employee’s overtime includes three parts relating to overtime pay. The first two parts are listed in alphabetical order of the types of pay that are included and that are excluded from computing the regular rate of pay for an employee. The final part of this policy is a series of tips for setting up your organization’s overtime policy.

The Overtime Help: Regular Rate Checklists and Policy Guidance (Sample) below includes these topics:

  1. Employee payments that must be included in calculating regular rates
  • Absence pay if absence is: 1. For personal reasons, 2. For Christmas shopping (unless customary in industry or area), 3. For visit with friend passing through town, 4. To obtain mortgage on home
  • Board and lodging furnished by employer if not excluded under union contract
  • Bonuses for: 1. Accuracy of work, 2. Attendance, 3. Continuation of employment relationship, 4. Production, 5. Quality of work
  • Commissions
  • Contest prizes for: 1. Attendance, 2. Cooperation, 3. Courtesy, 4. Efficiency, 5. Number of overtime hours worked, 6. Production, 7. Quality of work, 8. Sales stimulation
  • Guarantees paid to pieceworkers
  • Housing and lodging furnished by employer if not excluded under union contract
  • Incentive bonuses
  • Lump-Sum overtime pay
  • Lunch expenses of employee paid by employer
  • Meals furnished by employer if not excluded under union contract
  • Merchandise furnished free at company stores (food, clothing, household articles)
  • On-Call pay
  • Patent payments, if employer solicited invention
  • Piecework earnings
  • Production bonuses
  • Rent of employee’s living quarters paid by employer if not excluded under union contract
  • Rest-Period premiums (but only if they are paid more often than occasionally)

See the sample policy on overtime guidance below for the rest of the very important topics…

Click on the link to download the sample overtime policy below:

Sample Overtime Policy Guidance

Sample Overtime Policy Guidance[
