Pledge Form for Donations

Pledge Form available free to download for donations from your donors along with a four page Walk-A-Thon Pledge Agreement Form.

The Pledge Agreement Form below is for your organization’s donors to complete when pledging to donate to your special cause, etc. and is a very important and effective tool for meeting your goal to raise monies for your organization.

The four page Walk-A-Thon Pledge Agreement Form is great for raising monies to help those goals also.


What is a Pledge Agreement? A pledge agreement is a legal and binding agreement between the donor(s) and the organization for the donor(s) to pay the agreed amount on the form.

The donor will have to fill out the Pledge Agreement Form and make a commitment or pledge to give a certain amount of money in some form of payment which will be documented on the form for your organization’s filing and tracking purposes.

The Pledge Agreement Form below includes:

  • Organization’s Name
  • Organization’s Mission Statement
  • Donor’s Information (Name, Address, Phone, Fax, Email)
  • Pledge Information: “I (we) pledge a total [pledge amount] to be paid: now, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. I (we) plan to make this contribution in the form of: cash, check, credit card or other.” Credit card type/Expiration date, Credit card number, Authorized signature. “Gift will be matched by (company/family/foundation).” Form Enclosed or Form will be Forwarded
  • Acknowledgement Information: “Please use the following name(s) in all acknowledgements.” “I (we) wish to have our gift anonymous.”
  • Signature(s) and Date
  • Organization’s Information: “Please make checks, corporate matches, and other gifts payable to: [Organization’s Name] and your organization’s address.

Donors can also fill out this form for cash donations to your non-profit organization or school.

We also have a four page Walk-A-Thon Pledge Agreement Form below to download and print for your next fundraiser, etc. This form is a sample for students but can be easily modified for any organization.

Click on the link(s) to download the free Sample Pledge Template below:

Pledge Agreement

Pledge AgreementWalk-A-Thon Pledge Agreement

Walk-A-Thon Pledge Agreement